Senior Curator
& Chief Creative Officer
Catie Hargrove is a proven professional in the areas of leadership, innovation and culture change. With a passion for helping leaders to overcome organizational and employee engagement challenges, she leads executives and their teams in for-profit, nonprofit and government organizations to improve both their personal and organizational effectiveness.
Catie is a Senior Program Manager with the Partnership For Public Service, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to revitalize our federal government by inspiring a new generation to serve and by transforming the way government works. She leads efforts for the Partnership’s Center for Government Leadership around the design and implementation of the Partnership’s Senior Executive Service (SES) leadership development activities, including executive coaching and action-learning programs for executives. Catie partners with senior leaders to sharpen their leadership acumen and helps them to elevate their message to resonate with a wide audience. A proven leader and mentor, Catie brings an energy and passion for executive development and coaching leaders to their next level of excellence.
Twitter: @catiehargrove
Google Plus: CatieHargrove
LinkedIn: CatieHargrove