Experienced Creative Professional
Jake Simon is an experienced graphic designer with a demonstrated expertise in presentation graphics. A passion for storytelling combined with expertise in the designer’s toolbox results in optimized messaging that resonates with targeted audiences.
Jake served as the graphic designer and creative director for Air Mobility Command’s Commander in Chief (AMC/CC) from 2009-2013. Working with the speechwriting team, he helped create some of the most innovative and memorable keynote presentations in Air Force history. This was achieved by an entire process of understanding the audience’s needs, creating a story that resonated with audiences, and developing the full visual, audio, and spoken presentation as a whole from initial concept to final performance.
Matching Passions with Actions
Inspired by the experience of helping produce TEDxScottAFB, he started to develop his passion project: IDWIL (I Do What I Love). The website and movement to provide students of all ages exposure to amazing people speaking on how they had aligned their passions with what they do for a living was a finalist in the Washington University’s Youth Bridge Social Entrepreneur & Innovation Competition in early 2014.
The combination of active listening, the ability to draw upon diverse personal experiences, and the mastery of visual production tools, Jake has the ability to create imagery from abstract thoughts and ideas.
When your message could be heightened by the addition of images, illustrations, infographics, or video, then it is time to call in Jake.
Online Portfolio:
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